Home Compare All Chapter 18




大道廢,有仁義; 智慧出,有大偽; 六親不和,有孝慈; 國家昏亂,有忠臣。

Continue from this chapter in the full classical Chinese text.

James Legge



When the Great Tao (Way or Method) ceased to be observed, benevolence and righteousness came into vogue. (Then) appeared wisdom and shrewdness, and there ensued great hypocrisy.

When harmony no longer prevailed throughout the six kinships, filial sons found their manifestation; when the states and clans fell into disorder, loyal ministers appeared.

Continue from this chapter in the full James Legge translation.

Victor H. Mair



Therefore, When the great Way was forsaken, there was humaneness and righteousness; When cunning and wit appeared, there was great falsity; When the six family relationships lacked harmony, there were filial piety and parental kindness; When the state and royal house were in disarray, there were upright ministers.

Continue from this chapter in the full Victor H. Mair translation.

C. Spurgeon Medhurst



The great Tao faded and there was benevolence and righteousness. Worldly wisdom and shrewdness appeared and there was much dissembling. [^1]

The family relationships no longer harmonious, there was filial piety and paternal love. The state and the clans in anarchy, there was loyalty and faithfulness. [^2]

The so-called monotheistic races are as idolatrous as the most polytheistic. The former love their idols, the latter fear them. The graven images of the one often consecrate their sin; the worshiped virtues of the other consolidate their vice. Virtues and duties are separative, subtle forms of self-assertion, something lower than that Ideal of ideals which identifies itself with the All, and in the joy of service annihilates self. Benevolence, righteousness, filiality, paternalism, loyalty, devotion, is each in its own way a degenerate, when The Tao, the Great Ideal, The One Life, recedes from view. Woe to that captain who, when navigating his vessel into port, allows the various lights and sounds of the harbor to turn his attention from the flashing signals of the lighthouse. To know true monotheism, meditate on lives such as Buddha and Jesus—from these consciousnesses The Great Tao never faded.

”For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, that they which live should no longer live unto themselves, but unto Him who for their sakes died and rose again.” (II Cor. v, 14-15.)

[^1] The spiritual intuition of the primitive ages—“the Golden Age” described by Plato in the fourth book of his Laws—having vanished, ethical science in which the phantasms of righteousness, benevolence, etc., loomed large became the vogue. The omnipresent Unity, the great Tao, having disappeared, the veil of Maya showed multiple minor reflections, and these shadows being mistaken for substance the evils mentioned in the text arose, because, to borrow the explanation of the commentator, Kuan-yin-tzu, “Although in themselves true, these moral qualities, when substitutes for the Tao, become false.”

[^2] Given a normal condition of affairs and obedience and love in the family, loyalty and faithfulness in the State, may be taken for granted, as the ceaseless heating of the heart, or the continual flow of blood through the healthy body. The special mention therefore of loyalty and love indicate disease.

Cf. The review of “Life and Labor of the People of London; Religious Influences,” by Charles Booth in The Athenaeum for May, 16, 1903, and the article thereon in The Theosophical Review, vol. xxxii. 515.

Continue from this chapter in the full C. Spurgeon Medhurst translation.

Ursula K. Le Guin



In the degradation of the great way come benevolence and righteousness. With the exaltation of learning and prudence comes immense hypocrisy. The disordered family is full of dutiful children and parents. The disordered society is full of loyal patriots.

Continue from this chapter in the full Ursula K. Le Guin translation.